Milton Roy Metering Pump Tools are designed to help pump users and process engineers with apps that aid in choosing a metering pump and support existing pumps in the field. This initial launch includes 3 tools: Metering Pump Calibration: Most metering pumps are installed with a calibration column with a scale in milliliters. With this tool, you can start the timer when the drawdown reaches the first mark, and stop it when it reaches any mark of your choosing. Then enter the amount of milliliters that were drawn down and the calculator provides the pumps flow rate. The application also maintains a history of the calibrations for your convenience. Material Compatibility: Metering pumps handle thousands of different chemicals, so deciding which pump material to select can be a problem. This tool provides data compiled from Milton Roy’s experience and a number of industry sources to give guidance. The final selection of materials is always the user’s responsibility since the pump supplier cannot always be sure of the properties of any chemical as supplied. Your chemical supplier should be able to assist.Unit Conversions: Specifications for processes can come from anywhere in the world, so units of measure can span a wide variety. This tool enables quick conversion for the most commonly used units. Additional tools are being developed. If you have any questions or have an idea for additional tools, contact Milton Roy at:
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